News and Notes- Wednesday, August 18th

With so many things happening, it is impossible to write a single post about each.  Instead, I will occasionally write a quick summary of current happenings.

The Barefoot Event at Schuler

Thanks to everyone that attended the Schuler Books barefoot running event in Grand Rapids last night!  We had a great crowd!  Thanks for Dr. Dave Asselin of PT 360, Tiler Webster of Gazelle Sports, and Emily Stavrou of Schuler Books!  I had the opportunity to meet a lot of great people.

The Seven Day Minimalist Challenge

Beginning today, I am going to start a seven day challenge to continue my journey to a more minimal lifestyle.  I'm still in the "getting rid of junk" phase.  The difficulty is allotting the time to cull my possessions.  This challenge will help towards this end.  Here's the plan:

Over the next seven days, I will throw out, donate, or recycle 100 of my possessions each day.  Hopefully this will seriously reduce my clutter.

Update on the Paleo Diet

So far, so good.  Shelly and I have been following our version of the diet for about five or six weeks.  The results have been very positive!  I am still surprised the cravings for bread-based carbs have all but disappeared.  It is also shocking that eating any sort of wheat-based food makes me feel absolutely horrible for about 24 hours.  I'll be writing more on this in the near future.

The Barefoot Running Book: Retailers Needed!

Now that I have the second edition of the book on-hand, I am beginning to reach out to retail establishments that may be interested in carrying the book.  If you own or work at a retail establishment that may be interested in carrying the book, please contact me at robillardj "at" gmail "dot" com!  I'm offering very good wholesale pricing and a low minimum order (10).  

North County Trail 50 Miler

On Saturday, August 28th, Shelly and I will be running at the North Country Trail Races in Manistee, Michigan.  We know a lot of people that will be at the event.  If you are planning on attending or will be in the area, say hi!  I'll be the dude in the kilt. :-)  

Upcoming Barefoot and Minimalist Shoe Running Clinic

Next Tuesday (August 24th), I will be conducting another barefoot and minimalist shoe clinic at Crossfit Grand Rapids (  The clinic will be a hands-on workshop where I will teach the basics of barefoot running.  We do some running and drill work, so come dressed appropriately!  The clinic only costs $10 and promises to be a good time!  To register, email Brandon Armstrong at, or call him at 616.916.7210.  Space is limited, so please do not hesitate!


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